Cyber Security for CMMS development companies

Cyber Security for CMMS software development companies.

Cyber Security for CMMS Companies

It’s difficult to imagine a software company not having the best attack defence, but even doctors are occasionally guilty of not taking care of themselves as well as they should.

Theoretically, I guess it is possible that they occasionally become so focused on producing their own product that they overlook some incredible advancements that other software companies have made in online protection and cloud security.

Software development companies must safeguard their infrastructure with runtime threat detection across all of their servers and any cloud environments they may be using in order to remain compliant, safe, and to ensure their long-term success. 

The consequences of having to shut down for a few days due to someone breaching their outdated defences are multifaceted. If it results in a delay in releasing a fully tested and fit-for-purpose version of their latest product, they may require the comprehensive level of insurance. I mentioned it in one of my most recent articles.

I don’t believe there is a significant risk of an IT/IS professional causing harm to their company by clicking on something they shouldn’t have. I believe the more likely scenario is that they will be the target of a brute force attack.

A jab in the arm to ensure prevention is always preferable to being hooked up to a drip while receiving the cure.   It makes sense for a software company with a single clear business goal of producing quality CMMS products on time, in full, and to specification that the amount of protection invested in should be proportional to the value of achieving their business goal.

Make sure you have strong, secure internet access that is designed and built to keep you safe from the worst of the worst. Unfortunately, in recent years, some of the absolute worst have emerged from the shadows to now brutally attack businesses in broad daylight.

You need complete visibility across any extension that has the most potential to harm you, something that works for you by identifying the vast number of potential threats and exploitive methods and blocking all nefarious attempts to potentially set you back 12 months.

You require a multi-layered cyber attack defence method known as a “cyber recovery vault,” which separates all of your sensitive and business-critical data from any potential attack surface. Your servers will then have a secure area where your data will be physically isolated.   Typically, companies that provide you with a recovery vault will also provide you with cutting-edge cyber recovery software that will be deployed within the secure vault environment. The vault and production systems can then automatically synchronise data, creating copies of data that cannot be messed with preservation locks.

You must be able to secure your data centre and any external networks you may be using with a single point of control, a distinct and sophisticated terminal. Something that can help you quickly and efficiently investigate and respond to behavioural, exploitive, and malware threats, as well as ensure the overall hygiene of all your services through auto detections, penetrating queries, and very strong remote responses.

Compromised points of weakness will no doubt the origin of any data breaches you may encounter and the larger the attackable area you have and the more complex it becomes, the more comprehensive your endpoint security needs to be and the better trained in cyber security your people need to be.

In today’s world, your people may need more than just training in Cyber Security Awareness or cyber-security attack and defence fundamentals; they may also need training in security engineering, cryptography, or what it takes to be a cyber-security analyst. I don’t believe a company should hold back in this area. I understand that the more you train your employees, the more money they may want or the greater the risk of them leaving to take a higher paying job or even a different job in cyber security, but perhaps that’s just the cost and risk of doing business in the software industry these days.

However, the more people your company has who have the skills to ensure that your organization’s digital assets are secure and protected from unauthorised access, the better off you will be.

Training your employees to protect you in this way is an investment, not a cost. They will be able to safeguard your company’s online avenues as well as any on-premise infrastructure you may have.

It would undoubtedly be more reassuring for a director to know that they have approximately 20 people on the lookout for any suspicious activity rather than just two.

If the majority of your team has been trained to identify and mitigate risks before adversaries have the opportunity to harm your system, you’ve done everything possible to secure the future.

Don’t wait too long because, while cyber security applications improve by the day, the dangerous people out there who seem to enjoy causing companies a great deal of hurt are becoming more bold and aggressive. I’d even say that training your employees in cyber security is probably now essential, rather than just a good idea.

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